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It's our 30th Birthday!

Our club was formed on 22nd September 1988 and 11 people attended the inaugural meeting.


This is the article and photograph of original members from the Daventry Express of 6th October 1988.


Les Weatherley, Chairman and Founder member of the Ford Camera Club, which later became Daventry Photographic Society, met the current Chairman of Daventry Photographic Society at the Annual Photographic Exhibition in Daventry Library. The Ford Camera Club was founded 30 years ago.  

Our current chairman said that we are still looking for more ‘Snap happy' photography enthusiasts to come and join us. You can come as a visitor for two weeks to our meetings at no cost or obligation to join us if you just want to find out more about what we do.  We meet at Mayfield Park Sports Club , Daventry every Tuesday!


Trevor Healey & Christine Bowerman.

Life members of the society who joined in 1988 prompted by the Daventry express article.


Les and his daughter Yvonne.
Yvonne joined the club in 1995 as a Junior member and won many awards.


Les Pointing to himself in the photo of the original article by the Daventry Express which headlined ‘Seeking snap happy photo fans’. Les is on the far right on the photo. Les commented that his hair was so much longer and darker then!


To download our History Special Newsletter click here

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